Mikrodermabrazja a kwas AHA - Rewolucyjne podejście do pielęgnacji skóry

How to Use It

First, consider which alpha-hydroxy acid you want to go with. "Glycolic is the smallest of these acids and yields the most significant results," says Nussbaum. If you're sensitive, ensure you're using a low concentration, higher concentrations are best reserved for those with normal to oily skin, adds Nazarian. Lactic acid is a larger molecule, a good pick for sensitive skin, while malic acid is even larger and possibly less likely to cause irritation.

Still, a good rule of thumb is to choose a product that blends lower amounts of several different types of AHAs rather than using a super high dose of just one. "While a high potency of any one acid can yield significant results, combining different acids at lower strengths may be less irritating because they penetrate at different depths and offer different hydrating abilities," Nussbaum explains.

The type of product matters, too. You'll find AHAs in everything from cleansers to creams, but "those with sensitive skin should first start with wash-off formulas to minimize exposure to the active ingredients," recommends Nazarian. And, of course, it's imperative to follow the directions of the product you choose. Start slowly and gradually build up the frequency of use as tolerated, never exceeding what the instructions recommend.

Both the Byrdie team and Nussbaum recommend this overnight serum, which nabbed 'Best Chemical Exfoliator' in our 2019 Byrdie Skincare Awards. "The lactic acid in the formula sloughs away dead skin cells and keeps your complexion looking polished," says Nussbaum. It's fairly gentle, but if your skin is super sensitive, try using it as a mask and rinsing off after three minutes, you'll still see the amazing effects.

Given that the skin around your eyes is the thinnest and most delicate on the body (and the most susceptible to showing signs of aging), you'll want to treat it with extra TLC. Enter this eye cream. "It contains alpha-hydroxy acids to gently remove dull surface cells, and vitamins A, B, and C to decrease dark circles and fight aging free radical damage," says Nazarian.

How (and When) to Use AHA In Your Skincare Routine, According to Dermatologists

Melanie Rud is a Chicago-based writer with 10 years of experience covering beauty. She covers all things skincare for Byrdie, from ingredients to acne advice.

Michele Farber, MD, FAAD is a New York-based board-certified dermatologist practicing at Schweiger Dermatology in Murray Hill.

Lisa Sullivan, MS, is a nutritionist and health and wellness educator with nearly 20 years of experience in the healthcare industry.

In This Article

What Are Alpha-Hydroxy Acids? Benefits of Alpha-Hydroxy Acids for Skin Alpha-Hydroxy Acids vs. Other Acids

Meet the Expert

  • Marnie Nussbaum, MD, is a New York City dermatologist.
  • Rachel Nazarian, MD, is a dermatologist at Schweiger Dermatology Group in New York City.

Type of Ingredient: Acid/chemical exfoliant

Main Benefits: Exfoliates the top layers of skin to minimize dullness and even out texture, some AHAs can also stimulate collagen production, while others have antioxidant and hydrating properties.

Who Should Use It: Given their wide range of effects, most people can benefit from using AHAs, says Nazarian, so long as you find the right alpha-hydroxy acid and concentration of it for your skin type.

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