System Telomerowy w Kremie Pod Oczy - Tajemnica Młodości Twojej Skóry
Monitorial System
The 'monitorial system' which made such striking progress in England in the early part of the 19th century, received its foundational inspiration from village schools in south India. Dr. Andrew Bell, whose name is associated with the 'monitorial system', was an Army chaplin in India, and from 1789 to 1796 held the position of superintendent of the Male Orphan Asylum in Madras. It was in the course of his residence here that his attention was directed to the system of pupil teachers that obtained in the Madras Pial schools (run around temples), and which in essence was also the system in the Bengal Pathsalas. [2]
The Monitorial System was found very useful by 19th-century educators, as it proved to be a cheap way of making primary education more inclusive, [ citation needed ] thus making it possible to increase the average class size. Joseph Lancaster's motto for his method was Qui docet, discit – "He who teaches, learns." The methodology was adopted by the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, [ citation needed ] and later by the National Schools System.
The Monitorial System, although widely spread and with many advocates, fell into disfavour with David Stow's "Glasgow System" which advocated trained teachers with higher goals than those of monitors. [ citation needed ]
The basic teaching and learning process used in the Monitorial System has been used in passing knowledge between people in many cultures because of its low cost to benefit ratio. Numerous institutions use the basic concept as their primary mode of instruction. There have been many observations regarding its efficacy, in 35 AD in Rome, Seneca the Younger, in an epistle to his friend, Lucillus, noted: Docendo discimus – we learn by teaching. [ citation needed ]
See also [ edit ]
- Learning by teaching
- British Schools Museum (Hitchin), an example of a Lancaster-designed school
- Horace Mann, US proponent of educational reform
- Sudbury model of democratic education schools
Notes [ edit ]
- ^ "Monitorial system", Britannica Encyclopedia (online ed.) .
- ^
- Matthai, John (1915). Village government in British India. London: T. Fisher Unwin. ISBN81-85557-69-1 . This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain.
- ^ abc
- Gladman, JF (1886), School Work Control and Teaching Organisation and Principles of Education, Jarrold & Sons .
- ^
- England, Mark, Saunders, Jack. "British Schools Museum, Hitchin". . Retrieved 17 January 2017 .
Bibliography [ edit ]
- Pierrepont Graves, Frank (1915), A Student's History of Education .
- Rayman, Ronald (Winter 1981), "Joseph Lancaster's Monitorial System of Instruction and American Indian Education, 1815–1838", History of Education Quarterly, 21 (4): 395–409, doi:10.2307/367922, JSTOR367922 .
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