Depilacja bikini w domu - Jak korzystać z urządzenia Lumea do usuwania włosków?1 / 2

What is your recommended IPL aftercare?

The great thing about IPL is that there’s no ‘down-time’ or recovery time needed. However, I do have a few tips and recommendations on how you can best look after your skin post IPL treatment.

Directly after using Philips Lumea, your skin will be more sensitive. Therefore, we recommend you wait at least 24 hours or until all redness has disappeared before exposing treated areas to the sun and would avoid using any actives (like retinol) straight after treatment on the face. Adding a layer of your favourite moisturiser post treatment is also a great way to complete each session to keep your skin feeling smooth.

Logging each of your treatments in the handy Lumea app will help keep you on track as it sends you helpful reminders on upcoming treatments, as well as hosting a wealth of additional tips and guidance support.

For most of us, IPL is an investment so to keep it in great condition you should be keeping your IPL device clean, giving it a wipe down after every use and pop it in the storage bag.

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Emma Gritt is the Multiplatform Director of Women's Health UK.

I am passionate about all things "woo", beauty gadgets and treatments, cooking, travel, spa visits, gardening, lusting over homeware, animals and nature. I'm also a huge bookworm, and always have at least two books on the go!

When I'm not working, I enjoy playing tennis, swimming, cycling, pilates, and looking for new treasures to sell in my antiques cabinet.

Prior to joining WH in 2022, I worked as a digital journalist and senior editor at national newspapers, radio stations and at international content agencies.

Nježna tehnologija – rezultati koji impresioniraju!

Postoji jedno vrlo jednostavno rješenje, a riječ je o uređaju za kućnu upotrebu koji koristi vrlo sofisticiranu tehnologiju kako bi “uspavao” folikul dlačice, usporivši tako njen rast, čime s vremenom postižemo dugotrajno glatku kožu – možete li zamisliti da vam je depilacija potrebna tek nekoliko puta godišnje…?

Riječ je naravno o IPL uređaju Philips Lumea koji tehnologijom pulsirajućeg svjetla visokog intenziteta (intense pulse light, odnosno IPL) “uspavljuje” folikul dlačice. Svjetlo putuje do korijena dlačice, čime folikul prelazi u fazu mirovanja, a dlačica se otpušta. Ponavljanje tretmana postupno sprječava ponovni rast dlačica, pa koža ostaje predivno glatka i bez dlačica.

Postupak uklanjanja dlačica s Philips Lumeom vrlo je jednostavan, a sastoji se od četiri koraka. Prvo morate obrijati područje koje želite tretirati kako bi korijen dlake ostao čitav, nakon toga odabirete postavka na temelju nijanse kože uz senzor SmartSkin – a zatim “prozorčić” za tretiranje prislonite na kožu pod kutem od 90 stupnjeva. Nakon što indikator pokaže da je uređaj spreman, potrebno je pritisnuti gumb te uređajem prelaziti po zadanim zonama kože – emitiranjem svjetlosnih impulsa, ovaj će uređaj već nakon nekoliko tretmana značajno prorijediti dlačice – a one preostale bit će mnogo mekše i tanje.

Pametni nastavak za bikini zonu

Skidanje dlačica na bikini zoni zahtijeva nešto veću pažljivost od ostatka tijela – i to vrijedi za sve načine uklanjanja dlačica. Osim što su stidne dlačice deblje od onih na ostatku tijela, koža ove regije je osjetljivija, mnogo jače prokrvljenja, a često i vrlo tanka – zbog čega je postupak uklanjanja često neugodan. Upravo zato Philips Lumea ima senzor nazvan SmartSkin, koji će prepoznati da se radi o osjetljivijoj koži te prilagoditi jakost svjetlosnih impulsa.

Posebni prilagođeni program i nastavak kreiran baš za bikini zonu osigurat će maksimalnu udobnost tretmana – samo jednim klikom na pametni nastavak za bikini područje pokreće se prilagođeni program namijenjen ovoj osjetljivoj regiji. Zahvaljujući prozoru površine 3 cm2 i zaobljenom, dizajnu, nastavak je kompatibilan s obrisima vašeg tijela – u cilju maksimalnog doticaja, učinkovitosti i udobnosti.

Depilacija bikini zone – Različiti načini

Najjeftin način doterivanja bikini zone – brijanje sa brijačem. Sastoji se od 5 jednostavnih koraka: podrezivanje, natapanje, sapunjanje, brijanje i hidriranje.

Top saveti:
  • Skratite stidne dlačice makazama što je kraće moguće pre brijanja.
  • Nemojte hidrirati kožu nakon brijanja teškim mirisnim losionom jer vam hemikalije koje sadrži mogu iritirati obrijanu oblast. Umesto losiona, možete koristiti aloe veru, bejbi ulje ili puder.
  • Izbegavajte brijanje tokom menstruacije jer je vaša koža veoma osetljiva u tom periodu.
  • Za najbolje rezultate, brijte se u pravcu rasta dlačica.
  • Izbegavajte da trošite previše vremena prelazeći preko jedne te iste oblasti. Da biste izbegli iritaciju, prestanite nakon tri poteza.
  • Kada je u pitanju izbor brijača za uređivanje bikini zone, izbegavajte one za jednokratnu upotrebu. Ključne komponente koje treba da poseduje vaš brijač jesu centralna glava sa više sečiva i hidratantna traka zahvaljujući kojih ćete izbeći posekotine.

Can blondes and redheads use IPL?

IPL works best on those with naturally dark blonde, brown or black hair, but sadly white, grey, light blonde or red hair does not contain enough melanin in the hair follicle for it to absorb the light and therefore IPL simply cannot give the right results. The same limitations apply to skin tone too – IPL is most effective for those with very light to dark brown skin tones, however it is not suitable with those with very dark skin tones (Fitzpatrick skin type VI).

Although on the outside IPL and laser may seem very similar, there are some key differences in not only the technology of these hair removal methods, but also the cost, who can do it and where you can do it.

Let’s start with the technology first! IPL and laser do have some key things in common - their functionalities are based on light pulses, they both are effective treatments in removing and reducing unwanted hair and neither offer permanent hair removal (top-up session and treatments will always be required to keep re-growth at bay).

However, as you look a bit closer, you will notice that the technological details differ. Whilst both use high-energy light (which is absorbed by the melanin in the hair follicle to bring the hair into a resting phase), IPL is made up of a wide spectrum of light – like that of a light bulb – which can treat larger areas of skin, whereas laser technology is based on a single, concentrated wavelength that penetrates the skin point by point.

Now we’re done with the tech differences – lets talk cost and ease.

Both IPL and laser can vary widely in cost depending on the provider, but both are usually considered as investment purchases. However, one of the key differences is that laser can only be conducted at a dermatologist or in a salon which usually comes with a high price tag and the hassle of travel to and from the location. With IPL, this can also be conducted in a salon, but you can also buy an at-home IPL device like the Philips Lumea 9900 series – which allows you to safely remove your hair with IPL, from the comfort of your own home and at a time that suits you.

For smaller, trickier areas you can then move the Lumea and pull the trigger again, or, for larger areas such as your legs, you can glide the device slowly along your skin holding the trigger for a continuous run of flashes.

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Philips Lumea IPL je výsledkom viac ako desaťročnej práce výskumného tímu vedcov a popredných dermatológov, ktorí prispôsobili technológiu IPL, využívanú v profesionálnych salónoch od roku 1997, pre bezpečné a účinné domáce použitie.

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