Propolis na pryszcze - naturalne rozwiązanie dla pięknej skóry

Propolis a jeho liečivé účinky. 20 osvedčených receptov

Propolis má baktericídne účinky, čiže ničí a usmrcuje baktérie, a tiež brzdí rast baktérií,“ vysvetľuje odborník Štefan Demeter, autor knihy Liečenie včelími produktmi . „Propolis má tiež lokálne anestetické účinky, tlmí citlivosť a bolesť, ďalej zastavuje rast plesní a ničí niektoré plesne, a napokon podporuje hojenie rán.“
Nižšie sa dočítate, ako si pripraviť propolisovú tinktúru a niekoľko vybraných osvedčených receptov, kde všade vám môže pomôcť.

What is propolis?

Propolis is a mixture of substances that bees use to protect their hive. They use it to fill gaps in the walls, keep the cold out, and mummify intruders. That’s why this ingredient has earned its “bee glue” nickname.

So, where does it come from? Bees collect a resinous substance from the buds of trees, shrubs, and green plants, and mix them with their special enzymes and beeswax to make propolis. As a result, propolis varies depending on where the bees live and which plants surround them.²

The antibacterial activity in propolis is twofold. First, it can attack the bacteria directly, and second, it can stimulate the immune system, allowing it to fight off infections more efficiently. Scientists believe it can break down the outer layer of bacteria and decrease the production of the energy the bacteria needs to function. Propolis works better on some kinds of bacteria than others.³

Propolis contains minerals such as calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper, iron, cobalt, and selenium, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, and E, and a number of enzymes. It has antiseptic properties and can be used to treat skin infections such as acne, burns, and fungal infections.⁵

Propolis can also help the wound healing process and may help protect the skin from UV radiation and is used in several sunscreens and lip balms. Propolis can also be used to treat dandruff and help prevent dental plaque.⁶

How to use propolis

Due to the rich chemical composition of propolis, it is used in many forms including creams, serums, and supplements. Unprocessed raw propolis cannot be used and must be cleaned using a solvent that extracts the necessary components for its beneficial effects.¹³

Studies have shown propolis to be generally safe and well tolerated. However, caution must be used when taking propolis in oral form. Research suggests a dosage of 70 mg per day has been deemed safe.¹⁴ It's always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before taking propolis supplements.

The most common adverse effect of propolis administration is hypersensitivity, particularly in topical applications, which can cause allergic reactions, swelling, irritation, and hives.¹⁵ Severe adverse effects, such as laryngeal edema and anaphylactic shock, are rare, but it is still recommended that people seek medical advice before using propolis products.

Przy uczuleniu na nikiel dobrze sprawdzą się emolienty plus, czyli takie produkty, które oprócz klasycznych składników nawilżających zawierają substancje dodatkowe, na przykład o działaniu przeciwzapalnym, regulującym mikrobiom czy też o działaniu przeciwświądowym.

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