Wyprysk z hiperkeratozą - Objawy, Diagnoza i Leczenie

History and Physical

Hyperkeratosis is a histopathological term defining a thickened stratum corneum and may be present in many different skin conditions, with many possible overlaps. History and clinical evaluation are key, and the main goal is to collect as much information as possible and discern which cases require a histopathological diagnosis to direct the most appropriate treatment.

The history comprises the age of the patient, family history, exposure to toxic substances, drugs, occupational duties, anamnesis of the current lesion, concomitant pathologies, and treatments. In those patients where the diagnosis was already established, it is appropriate to reevaluate it, monitor progression and complications following the treatment.

The physical examination must be thorough to exactly understand the extent of the disease. Except for localized disease, it is important to inspect the entire skin surface, including scalp, eyelids, ears, perineum and genital mucosa, hair, and nails. The lesion should be described in terms of color, texture, shape, and distribution. Surrounding skin should be examined as well to detect the presence of generalized xerosis (dryness), seborrhea, hyper or hypohidrosis (sweating), texture, photoaging such as lentigines, actinic purpura, rhytides.

Small folliculocentric keratotic nodules can be found in cases of keratosis pilaris, where papules are centered on small hair follicles, and it can be associated with erythema. On close examination, it is possible to recognize a small coiled hair beneath the papule formed by a keratin plug.

Scaling is an important finding in cases of hyperkeratosis. Scales may be described as soft, rough, greyish, bran-like, and so on. Crusts should not be confused with scale as it is the result of dried fluid on the epidermis (serum, blood, pus, or a combination of those) and not thickening of the epidermis. Lichenification is a thickening of the skin and results from chronic injuries such as repetitive scratching. It is present in most chronic eczematous or neurogenic processes.

StatPearls [Internet].

Fabiola Farci , Gauri D. Mahabal .


Last Update: September 4, 2023 .

Hyperkeratosis refers to the increased thickness of the stratum corneum, the outer layer of the skin. It is most frequently due to chronic physical or chemical damage such as friction or the use of aggressive soaps but can also derive from chronic inflammation or a side-effect of different drugs, including chemotherapy. This activity reviews the evaluation and treatment of hyperkeratosis and highlights the role of the interprofessional team in evaluating and treating patients with this condition.

Summarize the major histologic forms of hyperkeratosis. Review the different pathologies that can manifest with hyperkeratosis.

Explain the importance of collaboration and communication amongst the interprofessional team to ensure the appropriate diagnosis and treatment is selected for patients with hyperkeratosis.



  • retinoidy (leczenie rogowca)
  • suplementacja witaminowo-minerałowa
  • leki o działaniu uzależnionym od współistniejącego schorzenia
  • preparaty zawierające kwas salicylowy (2-50%)
  • preparaty zawierające mocznik (20-50%)


są to specjalistyczne działania, mające na celu mechaniczne usuwanie zrogowaceń. Dobór metody uzależniony jest od rodzaju i rozległości hyperkeratoz. Zazwyczaj jest to długofalowa terapia obejmująca systematyczne zabiegi w gabinecie pielęgnacji stóp oraz edukację klienta, a także właściwe postępowanie domowe.

Paramedyczne i/lub domowe

są to metody wykorzystywane samodzielnie przez klientów. Zaliczyć tu można zarówno preparaty i środki dostępne bez recepty w aptekach oraz drogeriach, jak i sposoby zasłyszane lub znalezione, np. w internecie. Chęć uzyskania szybkiego efektu, a także niewłaściwe wykorzystanie metody prowadzi do licznych powikłań.

pod paskiem czy biżuterią u chorego uczulonego na nikiel, na rękach u sprzątaczki używającej środków czyszczących, na policzkach w miejscu, na który nałożono kosmetyk, który uczulił chorego pod wpływem opalania.

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