
Korzyści stosowania kremu z aloesem pod oczy - Wszystko, co powinieneś wiedzieć

How to Use Aloe Vera

How to Apply to the Skin

Here is how to use fresh aloe vera for skin conditions:

  1. Snip one of the leaves close to the bottom of the plant.
  2. Put the cut side down in a glass to allow the latex to drain for about 10 minutes and discard it.
  3. Remove the leaf spikes and use a vegetable peeler to get to the clear gel inside.
  4. Scoop out the gel and store it in a clean, sealable container in the fridge for up to two weeks.
  5. Place a small amount of gel on your fingertips and gently work it in with circular motions.
  6. If using it as a facial cleanser, rinse with cool water and gently pat your skin dry.
  7. If using it as a facial moisturizer, gently spread a thin layer of gel onto the skin and allow it to dry.

How to Take by Mouth

Commercial preparations are generally safer because the dose is controlled. Even so, you can make aloe vera juice by following these steps:

  1. Snip a leaf close to the bottom of the plant and wash thoroughly with water.
  2. Cut the leaf into 1-inch cubes.
  3. Squeeze the gel from the cubes. Discard the skin.
  4. Place the gel in a blender with 6 cups of filtered or distilled water.
  5. Blend thoroughly.
  6. Strain the juice and add sweetener and lemon if desired.

Some studies suggest that doses of up to 90 milliliters (3 fluid ounces) daily are well tolerated and safe.

Consumer Safety


Az aloe vera áldásos hatásainak felfedezése nem mai történet, hiszen már Kolumbusz Kristóf is jó néhány aloe vera növény társaságában szállt fel a fedélzetre annak érdekében, hogy a vele utazó zsoldosait eredményesen tudja velük gyógyítani. Az aloe vera gél mind belsőleg, mind pedig külsőleg is nagyon eredményesen vethető be. A tiszta levélbelsőből nyert gél 260 aktív összetevőből áll: így többek között 20 féle ásványi anyagot, 18 féle aminosavat és 12 féle vitamint tartalmaz. A növény egyik titka, hogy úgy fejti ki a legjobban a hatását, ha a lehető legtisztább formában alkalmazzuk, pont úgy, ahogy azt a természet megadta. Büszkén jelenthetjük ki, hogy a Forever termékek (pl. Forever aloe vera krém) kiemelkedő tisztaságban tartalmazzák az aloe vera gélt, így méltán érdemelték ki a Nemzetközi Aloe Tudományos Tanács elismerő pecsétjét!

How Much Aloe Vera Should You Use?

Aloe vera creams, gels, and liquids contain different amounts. Some creams for minor burns have just 0.5% aloe vera. Others used for psoriasis may contain as much as 100% aloe vera. Oral supplements have no set dose.

The suggested amount to use varies by the product:

  • Leaf gel cap: 50 to 200 milligrams/day
  • Liquid: 30 milliliter
  • Tincture: 15 to 60 drops a day mixed with juice or water
  • Topical: Apply three to five times a day

High oral doses of aloe vera extract or aloe vera latex can be dangerous. People who take 1 gram a day of aloe latex for several days are at risk for severe kidney damage and death.

These are not official doses. Ask your doctor for advice on how to use aloe vera and how much to take.

Even if it can be converted, the palmitate part of the molecule is more than the half of it, so the efficacy will not be good and we have never seen a serum that contains a decent and proudly disclosed amount of AP.

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