Korzyści stosowania kremu z aloesem pod oczy - Wszystko, co powinieneś wiedzieć

Everything About Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a medicinal plant that grows in hot climates such as California, New Mexico, and the Caribbean. It contains more than 75 active ingredients, including enzymes, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals, some of which could make it useful for treating diseases.

Some people use aloe vera gel as a home remedy to treat burns and other skin conditions and heal wounds. Aloe juice is also promoted as a natural remedy for diabetes, heartburn, and inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS). There is some research suggesting that it works for these and other conditions, but more research and higher-quality studies are needed to confirm these benefits.

Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a cactus-like plant used for centuries as medicine to treat sunburn, rashes, burns, wounds, and other skin conditions. In addition to external uses, aloe vera is thought by some to treat constipation, heartburn, and hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) when taken internally.

Aloe vera is widely available as a distilled juice, dietary supplement, and ingredient in face creams, body lotions, and skin ointments. Although the stems of the aloe plant and the gooey gel inside can be eaten raw or cooked, they may be unsafe if consumed in excess.

This article takes a look at the health benefits of aloe vera as well as possible side effects, risks, and interactions of this popular herbal remedy.

Also Known As

  • Burn Plant
  • Elephant's Gall
  • Lily of the Desert
  • Ghritkumari (Hindi)
  • Kathalai (Ayurvedic medicine)
  • Lu Hui (traditional Chinese medicine)

Side Effects of Aloe Vera

Side effects of aloe vera applied to the skin are uncommon. Even in oral forms, the plant is generally well tolerated. This is especially true of topical and oral aloe preparations in which latex has been removed.

Common Side Effects

Common side effects of oral aloe vera include:

Severe Side Effects

The risk of side effects can vary by the formulation. Aloe vera gel and juice appear to cause fewer reactions than whole-leaf aloe vera extract and aloe latex found in certain oral supplements. Problems generally occur when aloe vera is overused.

When taken at higher doses, aloe vera may cause:

  • Drug-induced hepatitis: The risk varies, but liver toxicity generally occurs with the prolonged use of aloe vera supplements over months or years.
  • Acute kidney failure: Kidney injury may occur with the prolonged use of aloe vera latex in doses greater than 1 gram per day. Some cases of aloe vera-induced kidney failure have been fatal.

Aloe Vera and Cancer Risk

Whole-leaf aloe vera extract has been shown to be carcinogenic in rats and is currently classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as a possible human carcinogen (Group 2B). Some human studies suggest that the product may increase the risk of colorectal cancer, but more research is needed.


Az aloe vera áldásos hatásainak felfedezése nem mai történet, hiszen már Kolumbusz Kristóf is jó néhány aloe vera növény társaságában szállt fel a fedélzetre annak érdekében, hogy a vele utazó zsoldosait eredményesen tudja velük gyógyítani. Az aloe vera gél mind belsőleg, mind pedig külsőleg is nagyon eredményesen vethető be. A tiszta levélbelsőből nyert gél 260 aktív összetevőből áll: így többek között 20 féle ásványi anyagot, 18 féle aminosavat és 12 féle vitamint tartalmaz. A növény egyik titka, hogy úgy fejti ki a legjobban a hatását, ha a lehető legtisztább formában alkalmazzuk, pont úgy, ahogy azt a természet megadta. Büszkén jelenthetjük ki, hogy a Forever termékek (pl. Forever aloe vera krém) kiemelkedő tisztaságban tartalmazzák az aloe vera gélt, így méltán érdemelték ki a Nemzetközi Aloe Tudományos Tanács elismerő pecsétjét!

Aloe Vera Risks

Talk to your doctor before using aloe vera.

Aloe vera gel is safe to apply to the skin. Taking it by mouth can also be safe if you use the right dose and only take it for a short time.

Aloe vera side effects

Topical aloe vera can irritate the skin and cause hives in people who are sensitive to it.

Taking high doses of aloe latex by mouth could cause belly pain, kidney damage, and an electrolyte imbalance. It may also increase cancer risk.

Side effects if you take aloe vera by mouth include:

  • Cramps
  • Diarrhea
  • Throwing up
  • Low blood potassium levels
  • Sun sensitivity
  • Allergic reactions

Aloe vera can also stain the colon, making it hard for your doctor to see it clearly during a colonoscopy. Ask your doctor whether you need to stop using aloe vera before a colonoscopy.

Aloin is a substance in aloe vera that acts like a laxative and can irritate the gastrointestinal tract. If aloe causes gastrointestinal problems, you can look for aloin-free aloe vera products.

Who should avoid aloe vera?

Do not apply topical aloe vera to open or deep wounds. People who are allergic to garlic, onions, or tulips are more likely to be allergic to aloe. If you get a rash, stop using aloe gel.

Don’t use oral aloe vera if you have diabetes and you take medicine to lower your blood sugar. Aloe could lower your blood sugar too much. Avoid this supplement if you have nausea, belly pain, or diarrhea, as it could make these symptoms worse.

If you're pregnant, you shouldn't take aloe latex because it might increase the risk of early labor or miscarriage. It’s also not recommended for use during breastfeeding because it may cause diarrhea and other side effects in your baby. Aloe latex and whole-leaf extract aren’t safe for children under 12.

Aloe vera drug interactions

A gyorsabb gyógyulás érdekében pedig még a műtéti sebek ápolásához is ajánlott, de akár csonttörések, és sportsérülések esetén is bátran alkalmazhatjuk, természetesen csak a többi kezelés kiegészítéseként.

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