Wspaniała Mikrodermabrazja Silk Peel - Tajemnica Promiennej Skóry


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Silk Peel

Silk Peel Treatment or known as Diamond Dermal infusion is a medical grade facial. Unlike chemical peel treatment, silk peel uses an equipment instead of chemical substances on your skin. It’s an FDA-approved technology that works to treat your skin in 3 ways. It is a combination of exfoliation with the deep infusion of medical-grade topical solutions and suction of the blackhead and whitehead. Just like, Microdermabrasion taken to a whole new level. Silk peel mainly focus on these 4 indications:

  • To clarify– suitable for Oily and Acne Prone skin
  • Brightening– Pigmentation, Dry and Dull skin
  • Contains Vitamin C– suitable for Dull skin
  • Hydrating– special for Dry skin

ClarityMD Pore Clarifying SilkPeel & The ClarityMD Acne Solution

Once you achieve the clear, healthy complexion you desire with the help of SilkPeel, you are going to want to maintain your results, by coming back for an occasional SilkPeel treatment about once per month or so. You will also want to use an acne oriented skincare line to promote healthy skin function in between. The ClarityMD Acne Solution is an excellent choice.

Why? Well, there is a reason that ClarityMD Acne Solution was voted Best Adult Acne Solution by Harper’s Bazaar in their 2013 “Best In Beauty” edition. That is because ClarityMD is exceptionally hard on acne, but at the same time, it improves the texture of your skin. Skin becomes softer, and smoother. Blackheads melt away, and the actual appearance of your pores becomes smaller and less noticeable.

Use the ClarityMD Deep Pore Cleanser twice per day (first thing in the morning and last thing at night), and follow up with the Clarifying Gel on days you do not have a scheduled SIlkPeel. Dab it on the problem areas of your face and spread it outward across your entire face for maximum benefits.

With ClarityMD and SIlkPeel, acne breakouts will become a thing of the past – and without the redness and irritation of other acne products because it has no alcohol, no benzoyl peroxide, and no parabens or harsh preservatives. your skin texture will actually improve while your acne goes away.

How Silk Peel Works?

Dermal infusion is a 3-in-1 technology used in a treatment specified for:

  • Exfoliating your skin – removes dead skin cells
  • Suction– clearing blackheads whiteheads
  • Infuseyour skin with a serum that is customized according to your skin problems

The treatment uses a diamond-tipped to exfoliate your skin. The coarseness of the diamonds tip can be adjusted to suit your skin type. It can be made gentle enough to cover parts of your face that can’t be treated with microdermabrasion, such as your lips and around your eyes. The Silk Peel also includes a vacuum that sucks up debris while it infuses your skin with serum.

Following the exfoliation, the skin is primed to receive nutrients, and this is where the customized solutions come into play. Depending on skin concern, patient can choose for formulas. The treatment usually be done only for an hour, and you can do the treatment before any treatment or on the same session or day. Simple, isn’t it?

Silk Peel Benefits

The treatment is getting recognition and more acknowledgment by the ladies worldwide, especially here in Greenville, South Carolina, and there must be a reason for it.

1. Immediate Result

The most significant benefit of the silk peel treatment is that it shows immediate results. You can start seeing the difference just right after your first session. However, how many sessions one would need varies from person to person.

Some can get what they desire right after the first procedure, while others may require multiple sessions. However, you will start noticing significant skin differences right after the first procedure. The treatment will allow you to have nicer, healthier, and smoother skin.

2. Gentle and Painless

The biggest problem and fear factor with many other skin treatments is that they bring a lot of pain. Many women resist getting such treatments and try to adjust to their skin problems because they fear the pain they would have to suffer.

However, you will not have to worry about it with silk peel treatment. As we mentioned earlier, the treatment is pain-free and gentle and would not cause your skin to go through an immense amount of suffering. You would, in fact, enjoy the treatment and might find it soothing and relaxing. Just like a massage to your face!

3. No Downtime

Ladies, you will love the silk peel treatment because it requires no downtime. You would not have to wait around for hours and even days after your treatment to be healed and get back to your daily functioning.

It is as simple as getting back to life right after leaving the clinic.

4. Short and Effective

Yes, you got it right! Silk peel treatment will only take thirty minutes of your day. You can literally get it done during your lunch break at work. Moreover, the results in those thirty minutes are way better than the hours of other treatments. Hence, the silk peel treatment is short and effective.

Dzięki złuszczaniu wierzchnich warstw skóry, a jednocześnie pobudzenia podziałów komórkowych i syntezy włókien kolagenowych, możliwe jest zredukowanie widoczności takich defektów skórnych jak drobne zmarszczki, przebarwienia, blizny potrądzikowe czy rozstępy, a także rozszerzone pory i zaskórniki.

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